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Senior Moments

Category: General / Topics: Language, Meaning

Senior Moments Self-Examined

by Dan Seagren

Posted: November 16, 2014

Thoughts on why I share these senior moments…

My ancient Missed Senior Moments prompted me to dig into the terminology a bit more. When we share our experiences and thoughts it doesn't always sink in right away, if ever. But that is hardly an excuse for not sharing our experiences, wisdom, ideas and ideals right along with insubstantial and redundant matters. Those are risks we take. And sometimes even the dumbest tokens can be effective in spite of itself.

We defined a senior moment as one of those instances that occur quite regularly to those who have amassed quite a few years of living into their memory banks. Retrieving some of them at times is difficult, even causing us to forget what our wife sent us to the grocery store for or where we parked the car.

But it is more than that, really. Just the word moment is worth mentioning. It can mean a short period of time but there is more. It also means a point in time and in our sense, memorable, or even unforgettable until it hides in our memory bank. It also means nowadays or present times and according to a thesaurus it includes significance and consequential.And we must add its antonym inconsequential.

Undoubtedly some senior moments, written or experienced, are inconsequential (unimportant, illogical). Now I ask myself, why didn't I do this at first? Maybe I actually did except never put it into writing. It was there all along so now you know why I could actually come up with these moments for a dozen years or so.

To summarize, we perhaps could say that a Senior Moment is a relatively brief memorable point in time with significance and consequences both at the moment as well as possibly be worthy of sharing orally or in print. Now, I know Webster would never accept this definition and my readers likewise. So, that means that you, my reader, have a golden opportunity to pen your own definition, OK?

Meanwhile, I will continue to share my experiences and thoughts and call them “Senior Moments” not as much for their merit but because my birth in 1927 entitled me nowadays to be called a senior. Fair enough for 365 words?

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Dan Seagren is an active retiree whose writings reflect his life as a Pastor, author of several books, and service as a Chaplain in a Covenant Retirement Community.

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Posted: November 16, 2014   Accessed 172 times

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