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Rhymes & Reasons

Category: Holidays / Topics: Christmas Coping Depresson Faith Holiday Season Hopes & Dreams Loneliness Mental Health

A Blue Christmas Hymn

by Greg Asimakoupoulos

Posted: December 22, 2023

For those who grieve, Christmas colors aren’t just red and green…

paitning by Tyler Robbins

Reds and greens blur into blues as
Christmas draws near.
Lights and music morph to black as
grief wrestles fear.
Silent night is not a carol.
Rather, it’s a constant peril
as a distant lonely sparrow
coaxes a tear.

In the darkness of depression,
day mimics night.
While my friends are celebrating,
I long for light.
Paralyzed and lacking feeling,
dizzied by my world that’s reeling,
desperate for a longed-for healing,
wrong disses right.

God in Heaven, hear my longings.
Draw near, I pray.
Free me from what holds me hostage
day after day.
In my anxious desperation,
be my safe and sure foundation.
Though I’m lost, be my salvation.
Show me the way.

tune: Ar Hyd Y Nos

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Greg Asimakoupoulos (pronounced AWESOME-uh-COPE-uh-less) is an ordained minister, published author and chaplain to a retirement community in the Pacfic Northwest. Greg maintains a blog called Rhymes and Reasons, which he graciously provides to SeniorLifestyle.

Greg's writings have now been assembled in book form. See the SeniorLifestyle Store.

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Posted: December 22, 2023

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